What Is Rapid Eye Technology?

At the leading edge of personal growth today, Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is a revolutionary breakthrough in addressing emotional stress. RET is currently sweeping the nation as a faster, less painful way of reaching and releasing emotional elements of:

    • Abuse of all kinds
    • Addictions of all kinds
    • Depression, Anger and Grief
    • Family and Relationship Patterns

Basically, the emotional stress caused by any issue can be released, the body retrained, and the mind educated to think and react differently through the RET process and Skills for Life training.

The RET process
Identify and release stress-causing factors on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level through the structured movement and blinking of the eyes (the RET process).

Skills for Life

Learn and apply new skills for life on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level to create what you would rather experience in life.

Free Class

Thursday at 7 pm Pacific Time (PST) Come to the Institute or
ZOOM: Meeting ID 878 2530 5322
Passcode: 882068

* Provided by Heartway Foundation. Heartway Foundation is grateful for your tax-deductible donation.

Looking for a New Career?

The Rapid Eye Institute is a Licensed Vocational Career School License #1792 issued by the Oregon Department of Education

The Rapid Eye Institute is a Licensed Vocational Career School License #1792 issued by the Oregon Department of Education
Our Vision
Rapid Eye Technology offers freedom to choose an innovative vocation with  practical skills and tools inspiring balance and gratitude.  RET advances education, support, and attracts opportunities, creating authentic community and prosperity with purpose.
Career Training

Learn cutting edge concepts and techniques based on decades of research and development. Discover safe, fast, natural processes, techniques and tools to assist you and your clients in releasing core issues of stress and trauma without reliving incidents.

Help People

RET encourages people toward their awareness of being self-empowered, fully functioning, loving, peaceful individuals who are connected to and exhibiting their highest potential.

Learn at Home

The Rapid Eye Technology Course provides everything you need to become a Certified Rapid Eye Technician right in the comfort of your own home.

Rapid Eye Institute has a specialized, long distance program of learning. Each student has an advisor to work directly with them.

Learn RET at home

Phase one – learn Immediate Release Technique (IRT), Emergency Process, and Self Care. Course includes cognitive concepts, study skills, and hands-on practice. The objective of this course is to explain the foundation and general overview of Rapid Eye Technology. There is a certificate for this course.
Phase Two – gain a comprehensive understanding of the RET Skills for Life and how to facilitate these skills. The objective of this course is to assist participants to identify nonproductive beliefs and become aware of the power they have within to learn and implement new Skills for Life to create functional new patterns.
Phase Three – become a certified RET life coach. Learn coaching skills to work with your clients. Become skilled at identifying core beliefs, utilizing the pattern cycle, and implementing RET coaching skills.

Phase Four – learn the Rapid Eye Technology (RET). Through demonstration and experientials, the objective of this course is to train individuals to become a Certified Rapid Eye Technician.

This phase includes a hands-on training for 4 ½ days and a certification that follows. Your certificate for a certified Rapid Eye Technician is sent after completion of a practicum of 14 practice sessions.

After Graduation

  • Advanced training teaches you how to work with different personality types, organs and disease. There is a certificate for this course.
  • Master level course teaches you how to mix and match your tools to work with special cases.
  • Training in how to do Phone Sessions and RET group sessions.
  • Additional training in marketing and setting up your business.
  • Leadership – Souls With Stamina (CEU)
  • Advanced marketing programs (CEU)
  • Family matrix classes (CEU)
  • staffing for BASIC, Advanced and Master level classes (CEU)
  • Locate, Delete, Dissolve and Activate (LDDA) (CEU)
  • Reiki (all four levels) – a hands-on healing energy modality.

You may want to continue in your RET career by taking the train-the-trainer class – available to MRET technicians only.

Get started today! Call 503-399-1181

We are proud to serve outstanding clients.

Vintage Cupid Illustration

Cupid in Flight
48” x 48” Giclee print on archival paper.

Our Services

Join a Vibrant Community of Healers

Get World-Class Support

The Rapid Eye Institute offers graduate courses, marketing help, products, and more to support technicians after graduation. We don’t just train you and then leave you to fend for yourself. We’re there to support you in healing your clients and your communities with tools and education. Your certificate of graduation entitles you to a wide range of services including discounted fees on seminars and workshops, and the unique opportunity to staff a RET training or return as a student as often as you wish (some restrictions apply).

Meet the RET Institute Training Staff

The Rapid Eye training team has extensive experience in Rapid Eye Technology, training techniques, and transformational tools. Each RET trainer has their own independent clinical practice they are actively pursuing when not contracted with the Rapid Eye Institute to provide services. All Trainers and on-site workers are individually contracted for specific work for the Rapid Eye Institute.

RET Master Trainers

Ranae Johnson, Founder

Ranae Johnson

Researcher, founder, author and owner of the Rapid Eye Institute, Ranae Johnson  has a rich psychology background and a wealth of personal experiences dealing with autistic children, stress, trauma and abuse of all kinds.

Having built a solid, proven stress release process for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, Ranae began in 1988 to train individuals and professionals to use this revolutionary technology. She continues to work with diligence and creativity to make RET the dynamic, innovative program that it is today. She is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives.

Lynell Beckstrom, MRET, RET Master Trainer

Lynell Beckstrom

Lynell is a gifted healer and RET Master Teacher and Trainer with deep experience in the Rapid Eye Technology modality. Lynell develops a personal relationship with her students, which enables her to assist them in awakening to and realizing their power. She has many certifications, including Reiki, herbal counseling, essential oils, and is a certified Drug and Alcohol counselor. Lynell has an active practice where she works with clients of all ages.

RET Trainers

The Rapid Eye Institute offers training to Master Rapid Eye Technicians to prepare them to instruct others in the RET processes, techniques, and skills. RET Trainers are independent contractors who have passed a rigorous and extensive course of specialized education and experience. Our world-class trainers offer you premium education in this cutting-edge technology.

What Graduates Are Saying

David Davison, RET Technician
David Davison, RET Technician
“The last year and a half thanks to RET I’ve finally known what it is to sleep at night without nightmares. After about 6 sessions of RET, I have not had a single nightmare or panic attack since. I have a tool bag to use if anxious feelings attempt to creep up, I can choose if I want to feel it or not. After getting the help I needed so desperately, I realized I had to bring this to others and began to apply myself to learning RET. I’ve not only learned a valuable occupation that allows me to help others, but it brought me to a chosen family of amazing people dedicated to bringing the inner healer out of anyone willing to do the work. If you are tired of getting the same results and you don’t like them, let’s take a chance at a different story.”
Bruce Benjamin
“RET HAS been a lighthouse for me and many others, illuminating the dark coasts of my wounded, frightened, and often confused mind. I am now free to serve others with real compassion. I am free to roam!” www.brucebenjamin.com
Amber Mitchell
“Becoming a Rapid Eye Technician changed my life in many ways. I have learned how to recognize emotions in myself and others and how to deal with these emotions using tools and skills I’ve learned as a tech. I am empowered to help myself learn and grow on a day-to-day basis.”

Contact the Institute

    Visit or Mail Us at:

    Rapid Eye Institute
    3748 74th Ave SE
    Salem, Oregon 97317

    Email us at:

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