Payson, Utah
Hi, my name is Tyler McCormick. I am a Rapid Eye Technician, IRT Practitioner, Skills for Life Facilitator, and certified Life Coach. I am a person who has always loved to help people that have needed my help. I’ve never liked to see a person struggle with something that I knew had an easier approach. For example, I’m the kind of guy that would rather share a beneficial idea about wood-working to a social media community than patent the same idea for personal gain and recognition. I’m instinctively drawn to people who struggle, and rejoice every time I can ease their perplexity. A culmination of curiosities, driven by a desire to find REAL solutions to my personal issues that I’ve dealt with for over 25 years, eventually led me to the Rapid Eye Institute. For the first time in my life, I felt that using positivity had some actual weight behind it other than just a weak, arbitrary-diversion from reality. This is because for the first time in my life I was shown the physical tools that accompany and connect to positive choices and habit-reformation. I owe this enlightenment to the Rapid Eye Institute, the founder Ranae Johnson, Lynell Beckstrom, and others with whom I have become acquainted on this unique journey. Finally, I was shown not only physical tools and techniques to cope with unwanted patterns, trauma, and stress—but also emotional, mental, and spiritual conjugations that are connected to those tools. Now my life is many degrees different than it used to be. I now consider myself a Rapid-Eye enthusiast, eager to learn more. I am grateful for the friendship of caring, competent, knowledgeable, people in this new community of Rapid-Eye-Technicians. To future clients I say: I know what it is like to search for years on end to find real and lasting solutions. If you believe that the human body is very capable of healing itself, especially with the right kind of education and coaching, then you have come to the right place. See you soon!
Rapid-Eye-Technology is the most complete and practical model of holistic-healing-education that I have ever come across on my long journey and search for solutions on several levels. Its education and tools have significantly multiplied the POWER behind my desired life-choices and patterns that I was already making, and put the same POWER behind ditching the life-choices and patterns I preferred to discard. Many people know what it’s like to drive a car without power-steering. It’s clunky and exhausting. This is why we have power-steering in cars. Likewise, “power-steering” behind our choices is massively beneficial. Just the physical-influence alone, connected with Rapid-Eye tools and techniques, is impressive enough–to say nothing of the awesome impact they have on other levels that are spectacular and life-changing. For me, the benefits of Rapid Eye Technology have not ended there. Not only have Rapid-Eye education-materials, sessions, and tools liberated me from un-released stress and trauma, but they continue to do so–both for me and my family. Just with my learning so far, the benefits of Rapid Eye Technology are already too lengthy to enumerate. They are inspired…brilliant…pure genius!