IRT for Tooth Pain

(from the discontinued RET Forum)
by Charlotte Garland

The other morning, my husband Tim and I were working on an abscess tooth issue he has had for quite a while now. We know it is an emotional issue for him, but haven’t be able to identify the root cause so far. It came on when we were visiting his brother in Oregon, to help with roofing his house.

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Escalator Script for Release and Gather

Method conceived, developed, and copyrighted by Ranae Johnson, MRET.

Important Note about this exercise from Ranae:
This imagery exercise is intended as a general cleanup AFTER a client has sufficiently cleared their issues. It should be done as a separate session rather than as a part of another session. This allows the technician time to address surprises and possible abreactions to the exercise. You MUST do closing processes to complete the client’s circuits and ground well afterwards.

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