Amanda Steele, Advanced RET

Amanda Steele(385) 309-4836
Amanda Steele
(385) 309-4836

Provo, UT
Orem, UT
Pleasant Grove, UT

385-309-4836 (Specializing in Phone Sessions)

Hey there! My name is Amanda.  I am an up-to-date practicing technician in the Provo, Utah area. I am willing to host clients at my house, or travel to you if you live within 20 minutes of Provo. (Provo, Orem, Pleasant Grove, Springville) Additionally, I offer online sessions to all who are interested no matter where you are from, and we can meet on your preferred video call application. I myself have received incredibly empowering online sessions along with in person sessions.

Rapid Eye has helped me tremendously in essentially every area of my life and I have felt incredible self transformation. It has helped me especially with my personal history of anxiety and depression, among many other insecurities and imbalances. I feel more confident, balanced and able to be ME as I have had sessions. Sessions are excellent for STRESS RELIEF. I feel relief every time I get a session, and energized every time I give one. I have also learned many new self care tools and new ways of thinking to share. Learning and teaching the Skills For Life has also been very enlightening for me.

I love that Rapid Eye is for everyone!! I am open to talking to you if you want to learn more about how to become a technician yourself. It is a very accessible and worthwhile modality offered at a steal of a deal.

It is my desire to inspire and encourage you with discovering your next steps towards your dreams. We will look at what is no longer working for you, and take a look at what you would rather have instead. All along, I will honor you and your unique Soul’s journey. As much as I may teach and share with you, I am also being taught by you.

Feel free to email or text me to set up a FREE 30 minute session consultation! I look forward to hearing from you. Are you ready to move forward into the next chapter of your wonderful life?


“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” ~ PAULO COELHO


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