aRise Wellness Center
Cheyenne, WY
I was certified as a Rapid Eye Technician and Life Skills Coach in 2004 at the Rapid Eye Institute in Salem, Oregon. I went on to receive my Advanced and Master Level trainings. I am actively working with clients and have since 2005. I also have a bachelor’s degree in Marriage and Family Studies from Brigham Young University – Idaho.
I am a witness to the blessings of this technology in helping people work through the stress and trauma of life including things like PTSD or addiction patterns. Client’s learn to reclaim their agency, make new choices, and discover ways of thriving in their lives. Teaching and promoting healing for hearts, homes, and families including family systems is a passion of mine.
I have been seeing Tonya once a week for about four months. She came highly recommended. I was skeptical on how I could do work of this nature over the phone. After my first session I saw a profound difference in my whole being. It is difficult to describe. I decided I wanted to work with Tonya every week. It’s been liberating in so many ways. I operate and see things from a higher energy. There is so much more light in my life. It has lifted my depression like nothing else could. My perspective on my life has transformed. I can’t say enough good about the work Tonya does and the difference she has made in my life! The shifts have been huge and significant. It is the highlight of my week to see her. I’m walking on sunshine afterward. The circumstances I’m living with in my life right now are incredibly difficult. It’s why I need a weekly appointment. That was my choice. It’s been life changing and liberating!!
I will be forever grateful I was led to Tonya. It was divine intervention for sure!!
My experience with Tonya has been life-changing. Her ability to help me connect with the deepest and best part of myself is amazing. Every time that I meet with her, I gain a deeper perspective on my innate abilities and connections with those I love the most.
I would highly recommend Tonya if you are looking for a spiritual and physical healing experience.
Yuma AZ
Tonya has some really great insights and support for my life. I am amazed at how intuitive she is, even over the phone, she can see what is going on without me even telling her. She has been able to help me feel more at peace in my relationships with important people in my lift, sever unneeded connections with others I don’t need in my life but was persisting in, and then move on. She has helped me improve my relationship with God immensely.
She’s provided me with a lot of on-going coaching that I can use every day to help say focused on creating a good present and future for myself and my loved ones.
I have known Tonya for several years. Tonya came into my life at a time when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and we were looking for any option that might help. We had never heard of energy work before but were willing to try. She was an angel sent from heaven to make my mothers time left here on earth as comfortable as possible. She was originally given 5 months to live by doctors, but she lived 3 1/2 years. My mother swore by the work Tonya did and after every session I could visibly see she looked and felt better. I 100% know and believe Tonya extended my mothers life.
Since then I have not only referred many friends to her but I have been to see her as well. My friends have all dealt with issues ranging from deep depression to substance abuse and sexual addictions. All of my friends have reported back to me how the work Tonya has done for them has been life-changing and helpful. I also see Tonya on a regular basis in session. There are many things I am working on changing in my life and I know, without a doubt, I would struggle much more if I didn’t have Tonya’s help. She is a godsend and I am grateful for the work she has done for me and those I love. Thank you Tonya!
At a particularly dark point of my life when I was struggling with several addictions and was on the verge of losing my wife and daughter, a friend rather authoritatively told me, “you’re going to see Tonya,” and there was no question in my mind that that’s exactly what I was going to do. And I did.
In the many years of my adulthood, I have talked with many therapists and life coaches, attended several experiential healing weekends, and been a regular at numerous addiction recovery groups. They were all beneficial and had their merits, but then I met Tonya and the work we did together was the keystone that brought it all together in a wholly transcendent way.
Tonya is several shades of gifted. She has also practiced a lot, so she is incredibly talented and knows precisely how to use those gifts. She has offered a safe ear whenever I needed to open my mouth and let go of whatever freaky stuff was inside my head. I’ve walked away from each of our sessions with new clarity, feeling grounded, and ready to step further into a purpose-driven life. (And because it always surprised me how well this worked, I want to mention that most of the sessions were completed over the phone.) She gave me homework—readings, writings, and physical activities—and all of this helped me stay connected to my goals and my higher power during the time in between sessions. I still use several of these activities regularly.
It’s been over three years since my first session with Tonya. She was dedicated in helping me step out of a place of deep struggle and into a peaceful life where I now thrive with my family, so I cheerfully refer people to her regularly. Those who reach out to her have always reported inspiring and life-changing experiences, so with as much authoritative love as my friend gave me, I now extend his order to you: Choose Tonya, people. Choose Tonya.
Long Beach CA
Tonya is GREAT. She has helped me over and over again. I don’t know what I would do without her. As a 26 year Air Force VET I can say that Tonya is the best and has helped me with MANY issues. RET really works and Tonya has proved it to me many times.
MSgt, USAF, Retired
I decided to do a session with Tonya when several different friends of mine mentioned how powerful she was for them–a few of them have also written reviews here. (Hi Greg, Bronson, and Troy!–but that’s just a few, there are several more.)
I thought, well, if I lived near Apple Valley, I would sure give her a try. But then several of these friends told me she could do sessions over the phone. I really couldn’t believe what she is able to see and discern over the phone. It really does work just fine doing a phone session, so don’t worry about that.
For me, I would say Tonya gave me a lot of insight into the disconnections and blockages between my spiritual side, my emotions, and my physical side. She’s helped me remove those to have these elements work together. She has also helped me to protect myself from unhealthy influences that I come into contact with as I am living my daily life.
You’ll be really amazed at how gifted and effective Tonya is, if your experience is anything like mine is.
Salt Lake City, Utah
I wanted to thank you for working with my daughter-in-law. I appreciate you accommodating her when you were so busy. I can’t believe the difference you made in her life. We both felt strongly that we were guided by the Lord in having her work with you. It opened up a whole new world of understanding for her and was such a relief to recognize the part of the emotions and energy from her mother’s rape were having on her own life. Hopefully, this will help her 7-year-old daughter as well. We are so grateful for your knowledge and skill and willingness to share it with others.
Tonya is a confident technician who cares about her clients. She is divinely guided as she works. I have loved my sessions with her. She is fun and passionate and it is contagious. She helps me understand the universal principles that affect my life and health. She is a great teacher. The clearing help she gives in appointments is very valuable.
For several years I struggled with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, a thyroid disease, and daily headaches. I was taking about 8 different medications, including some for sleep. I had been through some hardships in life, but I never realized how related the trauma was to my physical illnesses. Tonya helped me realize and clear the emotions and fears that were keeping me sick. I have not needed to take any medication for almost a year now. I have learned, and continue to learn, so much from Tonya. I will always be indebted to her for helping me take my life back.
Tonya is an amazing woman who truly cares and wants to help. Her powerful belief and excitement in what she is doing shows through not only when with clients but in her everyday life. She truly is inspired and talented. I cannot express in words how she has helped me in my life. I am who I am today because of her guidance and help. She has taught me so many things that have helped me to be happy and whole.
I can’t say enough about how much Tonya has helped me. With the work that Tonya did with me, she has helped me remove the emotion behind the traumatic experiences in my life. Doing this has helped me deal with the people in my life calmly and with a clear head. She has also help me strip my life of limiting beliefs and be able to move forward and not be stuck in the past. I am eternaly grateful to her.
Tonya is an amazing person and has helped me so much. She has helped me clear issues that have affected me my whole life. She is inspired and caring. She has taught me many things that I can use at home to keep myself in a good place. She really cares about other people and wants to make a difference in our lives.