Carol Daly, MRET, CHt

Carol Daly 650-969-3167
Carol Daly

Los Altos, California


Offering a Complete Range of Solutions to Improve and Strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit.
* Increasing overall health and wellness for weight loss, surgery, injury, pain management, irritable bowel syndrome, Fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, childbirth, mind/body communication, long-term illness, bodily issues…
* Life and lifestyle enhancements and changes: enhancing relationships, healing past experiences, career changes, improving performance in job, sports, and learning/test taking. Increasing confidence, self-esteem and overall effectiveness. Easing stress, optimizing potential abilities.
* Helping you reach your goals, teaching you how to reach your potential through your deeper, inner knowing. Discovering the power of your own Being. Making lasting changes through the use of Rapid Eye Technology, Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapy and several other inspiring techniques.

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