575-751-4551 or 575-770-7766
casa luz del alma
Taos, New Mexico
Summit Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
118 Lower Las Colonia Rd.
El, Prado, NM 97529
575-751 4551
Serving Taos and Santa Fe, NM; Dillon, CO
Practice established in 1992. Offering Individual Sessions and Twelve-session packages to those interested in rapid resolution. The process of resolving your destructive core thought patterns is truly remarkable and freeing. Enjoy life and increase your energy level. Three to Seven day immersion programs available – do all your work in one week – contact me for details.
Rapid Eye gives us the opportunity to discover those beliefs (conscious or unconscious) that keep us stuck in the unproductive patterns of lack. When we are constantly repeating the same patterns over and over again wishing for different results, frustration sets in. Ignore things you do not want to be, do and have in your life and they will lose their power. Focus on your ideal…. and you will begin to feel the truth of that and create it in your life.

Our thoughts and beliefs create everything that happens in our life. Use Rapid Eye to clear out the old, outmoded beliefs and manifest what you really want in life. Life is all about growth, change and flow. Self-knowledge without the ability to consciously create with thought, renders the knowledge impotent. Our growth process brings together self-discovery and self-creation.
All this takes place in beautiful TAOS, New Mexico.
Also –
In Summit County, Colorado I see clients in Dillon. Each month there is a FREE talk on the benefits of Rapid Eye – join us. The Dillon RET office is located at Summit Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, 114 Village Place #302. You can contact me at (575) 751 4551, (575) 770 7766 to book personal appointments or visit my web site www.claudiabianca.com for current dates.
RET Certification Trainings
Now offered in Taos… RET Certifications. Grab a new career by becoming a RETech and learn the skills and techniques in beautiful Taos, New Mexico. Taos offers small classes with lots of time to ask questions and feel comfortable with your abilities. Join us in this beautiful location, visit my website www.claudiabianca.com for dates of upcoming certification workshops.