Martha Ballesteros, MRET, URMT, MNLPT, MT, CCHT

Martha Ballesteros 407-970-1439
Martha Ballesteros

Transformational Coaching Trainer

Columbia, South America




Main Areas of focus: Assisting clients to move from PTSD, General Stress Management, Past emotional wounds, Relationship and Family Issues, Addictions, Depression into a state of empowerment and harmony where thriving and moving forward is the norm.

Martha has over 20 years’ experience as a Rapid Eye Technician, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Teacher and Transformational Coach. She offers a variety of great processes that bring awareness into the roots and cause of any issue her clients present into the sessions, helping them dissolve attachments and identification with those issues, and thus bringing back the capacity to be present, relaxed and in harmony within their own being.

Each one of us hold trapped emotions and negative messages of unresolved issues within the deepest part of our psyche, stored over life cycles in our brains, bodies and DNA. Very often particular patterns like depression, anxiety, or alcoholism keep running in a family until they are resolved. The sooner we liberate the energy of those unresolved issues and break the cycle of dysfunction, healing own suffering and the pain of untold generations, the sooner we can give that precious gift of healing to our descendants.

My work is about supporting my clients in the clearing of the energy stuck in traumatic cell memory, opening up their body, mind, and spirit to a new relationship with themselves and life. They will acquire cutting edge tools to be used in their everyday life, so they can keep themselves thriving and balanced.

Once people are free from their negative perceptions and identification with their past, they will start the process of awakening to a life lived in love, joy, clarity, and gratitude. Their lives will be changed forever and they will go on to positively influence others.

The miracle is that as one life is transformed, we are exponentially taking the steps towards healing the entire planet!


Phone and Skype Sessions available – Flexible Hours – Call Now!





  • Trauma Solution Practitioner, The Business Education Institute and the International Network for Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology, Peopleistic, Dallas Texas 2016


  • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, 500-hour instruction. Certified by the State of New Mexico Higher Education Department, Hypnotherapy Academy of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico September to November 2011


  • Reiki Master Usui System of Natural Healing, Healing Today, Gainesville, Florida, February 2009


  • Massage Therapist, (624 hours of Therapeutic Massage training), Florida College of Natural Health; Maitland Florida, 2006-2007


  • Cranio Sacral Therapy Level I, The Upledger Institute, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, June 2006


  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Orlando, Florida 2005


  • Master Rapid Eye Technician, Rapid Eye Institute; Salem Oregon, April 2003


  • SSPT Trainer, Rapid Eye Institute, Salem Oregon, February 2003


  • Healing with flower essences, Siu Tutuava, Bogotá Colombia 2003


  • Past Life Regression, The Light Institute, Galisteo New Mexico 2002
  • Pranic Healing facilitator, trained by Master Del Pe, Bogotá, Colombia 2002


  • Family Constellations, Osho Multiversity 1997


  • Meditative Therapies No-Mind Training, Osho Multiversity, Osho Meditation Academy; Poona, India, August 1997


  • Osho Counselor Training, Osho Multiversity, Center for Transformation; Poona, India, November 1997


  • Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring within, Trainer: Tamara Andreas, NLP Comprehensive, Tucson Arizona 1997


  • Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP Santa Fe; Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995-1996


  • Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP University, Assessment conducted at The University of California Santa Cruz, July 1996


  • Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP Comprehensive, Boulder, Colorado, April 1996


  • Reiki I and II, Salem Oregon 1996 and Tucson Arizona 1998


  • Certified Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP/New York & The New Mexican Connection for Whole Brain Communication; Santa Fe, NM, August 1996


  • Rapid Eye Technician, Rapid Eye Institute, Salem Oregon, May 1996


  • Educator of the Living Foods Lifestyle, Trained by the late Dr. Ann Wigmore at the Ann Wigmore Institute, Aguada, Puerto Rico, March 1992


  • Intuitive Massage, Purvodaya Meditations-Zentrum, Moosburg, Germany, 1980-1981


  • Meditation Teacher, Purvodaya Meditations-Zentrum, Moosburg, Germany, August, 1979


  • Teacher of Art and Design, SENA Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje; Popayán, Colombia, 1968-1971




Principal enfoque de mi trabajo: Asistir a mis clientes a transformar su Estrés, Trastorno del Estrés Postraumático, Heridas Emocionales del Pasado, Adicciones, Relaciones Negativas Familiares y de Pareja en un estado de empoderamiento y armonía donde prosperar con alegría y avanzar es la norma.

Martha tiene más de 20 años de experiencia como Terapeuta Facilitadora de Procesos de Empoderamiento Personal, Tecnología Rapid Eye e Hipnoterapia Clínica. Ella posee una gran variedad de herramientas que le permiten ayudar a sus clientes a disolver el apego e identificación que tienen con los problemas o bloqueos que traen a las sesiones, tomando conciencia de su verdadera naturaleza a un nivel más profundo y así volver a ser capaces de estar presentes, relajados y en armonía dentro de su propio ser.

Cada uno de nosotros tiene emociones y mensajes negativos de temas no resueltos atrapados dentro de la parte más profunda de nuestra psique, que han estado almacenados en nuestros cerebros, cuerpos y ADN por ciclos completos de vida. Muy a menudo las tendencias depresivas, de ansiedad o alcoholismo siguen presentes en una familia hasta que alguien los resuelve. Mientras más pronto liberemos la energía de esos patrones hereditarios y rompamos el ciclo repetitivo de disfunción, más rápido podremos sanar el sufrimiento y dolor de generaciones pasadas y pasar ese precioso regalo de sanación a nuestros descendientes.

Mi trabajo consiste en ayudar a mis clientes a liberar toda la energía traumática estancada en su memoria celular, abriendo su cuerpo, mente y espíritu hacia una nueva relación con ellos mismos y con la vida. Ellos reciben avanzadas herramientas de transformación y descubren dentro de su ser valiosos recursos para crear la vida que desean y continuar su desarrollo de forma equilibrada.

Una vez que la persona se libera de sus percepciones negativas e identificación con el pasado, comienza el proceso de despertar a una vida vivida con amor, paz, armonía, claridad y gratitud. Sus vidas cambian para siempre y ellos se convierten en una influencia positiva para los demás. ¡El milagro es que cuando una vida se transforma, estamos exponencialmente dando los pasos hacia la sanación del planeta entero!


Sesiones por Skype y por teléfono – Horario Flexible

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