Bardow, FL

Lis Arispe: Holistic Healer and Life Trainer As a passionate holistic healer, I fuse the power of the mind and heart. Originally an immigrant lawyer, I reinvented myself as a teacher, holding a master’s degree in Leadership in Education. My personal and spiritual growth journey led me to explore various therapies for healing and integral well-being. I became certified in holistic practices to support others on their life paths. Some of the therapies I embrace include Ho’oponopono, Bach Flowers, Spiritual Response Therapy, and Akashic Records, among others. Additionally, I am a certified “Rapid Eye” technician, serving as a life coach, facilitator of life skills, and practitioner of the Immediate Release Technique (IRT). As your life trainer, I provide personalized guidance to help you set goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve emotional well-being and personal fulfillment. Welcome to my holistic world, where together we can create positive transformations!

Instagram @lisarispe_conlasalasdelalma
YouTube: Lis Arispe
Facebook: lisarispe_conlasalasdelalma
WhatsApp: 8633335137