Dr. Ranae Johnson has become an expert in Neuroscience and brain science, which all started with the birth of her son, Kelton in 1961. Unlike her other children, he didn’t learn, understand, communicate, speak and develop like her other children, and she chose to find solutions through a lot of reading, research, education, attending classes and seminars so she could assist her son. Her daughter, Lynell Beckstrom has watched her mother, Ranae fight for Kelton to receive services, to be treated as a normal person especially from the police, educators, community members and would not institutionalize him. Renae sought for and learned ways to teach him, to access different areas of the brain so he could learn to communicate and speak. At the time there was no information on autism. She has taught, supported and assisted other parents how best to teach their autistic children. As a result she developed Rapid Eye Technology, Neuroscience Evidence-based technology to assist any person who desires to rewire his/her brain to release stress and trauma and then input good, positive programming. Rapid Eye Technology uses the body’s natural way to release, through blinking. For more information, please go to rapideyetechnology.com
Here’s some of Dr. Ranae Johnson’s educational background
- American Pacific University; Honolulu, Hawaii Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy/Psychology); June 1996
- American Institute of Hypnotherapy; Santa Ana, California Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy; April 1994
- Institute of EMDR; Pacific Grove, California Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Certificate; March 1991
- Long Beach State, Long Beach, California; 1959-1962
- Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; 1957-1959
- Western Business College, Salt Lake City, Utah; 1956
- National Guild of Hypnotists (Certified Hypnotherapy 1996)
- Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Technician (July 1990)
Additional Education:
- Play Therapy Workshop
- Grief Counseling Continuing Education
- Time Management Continuing Education
- Reiki Master Level Continuing Education
- Building Self Esteem Continuing Education
- Creative Management Continuing Education
- Managing Your Own Business Workshop
- New Decision Therapy Continuing Education
- Thought Field Therapy Continuing Education
- Crisis Management Workshop
- Advanced Enneagram Workshop
- Avatar Continuing Education
- Advanced NLP Continuing Education
- Orthobionomy Workshop
- Personal Power Workshop
- Transformation Trainings Workshops
- Positive Parenting Workshops
- Relationships Workshop
- Dance of the Spirit Workshop
- Spiritual Empowerment Seminar
- Leadership Training
- Marketing and Sales Training
- Grant Writing
- Training from owning corporation
Professional Development:
- RET Research and Development Program
- Owned and Operated Rapid Eye Institute
- RET and SSPT Satellite Certification Programs
- Skills for Life Teachers Course
- Marketing Course
- SSPT Home Study Course and Certification
- RET Home Study Course and Certification
- Enhanced MRET Course
- SSPT Trainer Course
- RET Train the Trainer Course
- Winter’s Flower: Raising an autistic child that led to the development of Rapid Eye Technology (RET).
- Reclaim Your Light Through the Miracle of Rapid Eye Technology: This book is about the fundamental philosophies and research of Rapid Eye Technology.
- Blink! The Official Magazine of the Rapid Eye Institute: various case studies from clients that have had RET.
- Various Home study courses, manuals, resource materials, and product catalogs for the Rapid Eye Institute.
Awards & Honors:
- Extemporaneous Speaking, University of Wyoming
- Rapid Eye Process, Research and Development of a brand new process and technology, Rapid Eye Institute
- “Women in Business,” Article in Statesman Journal Newspaper, Salem, OR