
Family & Relationships MP3s

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Product Details

Audio MP3 Files

by Ranae Johnson

10 files - includes:

  1. Circle of Light Imagery
  2. Family Set
  3. Abuse Set
  4. Body Chart
  5. Feelings List
  6. Family Reframe
  7. Abuse Reframe
  8. Feelings Reframe
  9. Self Healing Reframe
  10. Future Self Imagery

This product available to Certified RET Technicians ONLY.

Important Notes about this product:

  • These audio MP3 files are intended to complement rather than substitute for proper medical or psychological care.
  • These audio MP3 files include hypnotic imageries. They are not intended for use while driving or while operating or using dangerous equipment or tools. Please use caution as these audio MP3 files may induce altered states of consciousness.
  • To maximize your experience with this product, we recommend sessions with a certified Rapid Eye Technician.

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