Rapid Eye Technology Phase 2 Distance Learning Course
Empower the Inner Self: Skills for Life Group Practice
**This is the PRINTED version of this RET Phase Training.**
TITLE: Skills for Life Group Facilitator Certification.
To be announced
Prerequisites: RET Phase 1
via email: RET@rapideyetechnology.com / phone: 503-399-1181 / fax 503-373-3606
Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to teach students to Skills for Life group facilitator. Participants will learn to identify nonproductive beliefs and become aware of the power they have within to learn and implement new Skills for Life to create functional new patterns. The course format allows participants to become involved rather than being passive listeners or observers.
Vocational Objective:
A certificate of completion will be issued, authorizing you as a Skills forLife facilitator to practice the tools and skills of this course. Training prepares student for Phase 3 and is offered as continuing education course
Phase 2 manual and materials (see list)Course Content:
7 Universal Principles Understanding Natural Laws What are Your Hugs Communicating Knowledgeable Application Using Imagery to Shift Patterns Facilitating Skills for LifeExperiential Practice
Phase 2 Manual |
Skills for Life Teachers Manual |
Welcome Letter |
Skills for Life CD’s |
Imagery Manual |
Grounding CD |
Evaluations |
Directions (paperwork, etc.) |
Skills for Life Client Workbook |
Suggested Reading:
7 Spiritual Principles by Deepak Chopra The Power of Intention by Wayne DyerYou Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay