
Reclaim Your Light eBook

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Through The Miracle of Rapid Eye Technology

by Ranae Johnson.

RET simulates the same release you get in REM sleep. RET is a physical, emotional, and spiritual healing therapy that works to release on many levels of human experience. The mental level of cognitive repatterning called Skills for Life is one of the best reeducation models out there. The negative belief systems, emotions, and family patterns that prevent us from connecting with our higher selves are all released. Positive affirmations, Skills for Life, and body learning then assist clients to create something different in their lives.

Rapid Eye Technology is intended to complement rather than substitute for proper medical or psychological care. RET techniques and processes are tools for personal growth and as such are not intended for the treatment or diagnosis of any medical or psychological condition. If you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition of any kind seek out the advice of a qualified and licensed medical or psychological professional.

Rapid Eye Technology is intended to complement rather than substitute for proper medical or psychological care. RET techniques and processes are tools for personal growth and as such are not intended for the treatment or diagnosis of any medical or psychological condition. If you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition of any kind seek out the advice of a qualified and licensed medical or psychological professional.

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