Cognitive Processes Affected By Eye Movement

(from the discontinued RET Forum)
A pair of Beckman Institute researchers has discovered that by directing the eye movements of test subjects they were able to affect the participants’ ability to solve a problem, demonstrating that eye movement is not just a function of cognition but can actually affect our cognitive processes.


RET Wand Pattern found in hippocampus

Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network
Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network

University College London researchers have discovered that the brain lays out a grid of cells that represent a map of spacial orientations and locations in space. In an interesting coincidence, the Rapid Eye Technology (RET) eye directing device (called a wand) is moved in a hexagonal 3D pattern just in front of the face – a pattern that due to its spacial character may be very familiar to the aforementioned part of the brain.

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