The RET Skills For Life Principle of 🍃ABUNDANCE & GRATITUDE🍃helps you create your dreams, AND builds your FAITH that good things can happen to me?
As we study these 7 Principles in Rapid Eye and create new patterns, everyone has the opportunity to realize that gratitude brings more resources. Having more resources gives you the opportunity to really explore how would I use abundance? Would it turn to greed? Or am I ready to ask for bread and really receive it? Have I discovered what I love to DO in the world?
Once I can be grateful for what I do have, I can activate abundance. I can be BEING grateful, while I am DOING what I love, and that brings HAVING more abundance. The last line of the RET Vision Statement is about creating PROSPERITY WITH PURPOSE—because this modality cares about relieving pain and teaching love. When I activate the laws of the Universe to work with me, amazing synchronicities begin to happen.
I love Christmas time because the love energy, the “giving to others” energy, and the remembering of our Spiritual Roots is activated and celebrated! Christmas time teaches us to focus on love, giving, and faith. All attributes of abundance.
Find what brings your “BEINGNESS” joy—DO it and you’ll end up HAVING the faith in yourself to get resources you need to use for good for you, your family, your communities and the world! It is time that we all have enough, we all have faith again in the goodness of the people on this planet. Let’s be so grateful for the small things, that we manifest the great things…
Love, Lynell
Master Trainer
The Rapid Eye Institute
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* Provided by Heartway Foundation. Heartway Foundation is grateful for your tax-deductible donations. Heartway Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Charitable Organization. Contributions to Heartway Foundation in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law.
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