That Rapid Eye Technology’s Principle of CAUSE & EFFECT can help heal childhood trauma? RET Sessions start the healing process, and it is our wish and desire that RET healing lasts and a more positive life is created!!
One of the reasons for lack of cause and effect thinking is that when parents use alcohol/drugs before and while a child is in gestation, research shows that it often affects the ability to have cause and effect thinking! If one cannot consider the effects of their choices, more negative events are created—which creates more trauma. Severe abuse, traumatic brain injuries, and other life occurrences can also stop cause and effect thinking abilities.
Thank goodness that we all have the ability to learn from our experiences. Even if a persons learning abilities are affected, they can learn cause and effect thinking with practice. I love the Skills For Life classes for this very reason—its FUN and so much easier to learn with a group.
I also highly encourage everyone to read and fill out our no charge RET Skills For Life Client Workbook, you can get from our website (in comments). Reading, writing ✍️ (just short answers) works a part of your brain that can help “Fire” your synapses in the brain in a different way than just talking about challenges. And there is a magic that happens in aware groups that gather in community to improve their lives. Find a group in your area, I know of a few book clubs that use our workbook to study together. Couple this with Rapid Eye sessions and WoW—LASTING POSITIVE CHANGE! No matter what challenges you have with Cause and Effect—healing is possible!!
Check out Rapid Eye Technology❣️
~Lynell Beckstrom
Master Trainer
Rapid Eye Institute
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* Provided by Heartway Foundation. Heartway Foundation is grateful for your tax-deductible donations. Heartway Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Charitable Organization. Contributions to Heartway Foundation in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law.
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