(from the discontinued RET Forum)
Have you used IRT or RET at a health fair or other public venue? If so, how did you do it (specifically) and what were your results? And – most importantly – how many client sessions did it generate afterward?
Martina Lebreton answered:
I did a demonstration of IRT on a lady at a health fair. We sat at the back of the booth where I had set up two chairs, and went through the process. I think this lady was looking for free stuff all around the fair and not necessarily interested in RET because she asked “what can you give me, what can you show me?” and then she was rushing through the process and I didn’t feel she was genuinely interested. Unfortunately, I let this one experience deter me from offering others the chance to experience IRT at the fair, unless they asked me; no one else did. I wanted this lady to love IRT and book an appointment. Instead, she told me she didn’t feel any better and walked away.
I am sharing this as a way to encourage others to not be attached to the outcome. Who knows if that little session worked a miracle for her? However, at the time I missed the lesson for me, which was let go of the outcome, and stay available for those who need me. I encourage others to offer IRT at health fairs because it just may be the miracle that someone needs. Perhaps I would have had more people book appointments then and there had I offered IRT demonstrations.
Thanks for sharing, Martina. The more we share what works, the better we all get at what we do.