DID YOU KNOW… The RET Skills for Life Principle of THOUGHT can assist you to achieve your dreams?

Did You Know….

The Skills for Life Principle of THOUGHT can assist you to achieve your dreams?

Many of us workshop/seminar junkies have been exploring manifestation for a while now. I, myself, have taught Skills for Life classes featuring the 7 Principles (Thought, Perception, Choice & Accountability, Cause & Effect, Abundance & Gratitude, Health & Healing, Harmony & Rhythm) since the late 1980’s. Then the video called The Secret came out and brought national awareness to how powerful our thoughts really are. My own personal journey with this principle has exploded in the last year!

Here is how it’s feeling for me right now…

As a metaphor, imagine yourself to be a 100-volt wire and your thoughts (whether positive or negative) would go out with that much creative power. Negative thoughts, beliefs, people, places and events leech away our positive creative energy and power. So that altercation with the guy on the freeway or that yelling match with one of the relatives, etc., all leaked away your power. So  now, your thoughts lending to your dreams and aspirations are going out at 50 volts, and negativity is growing exponentially.

The less energy leaks and negative drains you… you can stay positive and keep building your power. So, let’s say you meditate, stay positive for weeks at a time… soon your thoughts are going out at 850 volts and after that weekend class with others vibrating at a high frequency, exponentially adding to your positive energy; you are indeed a powerful transmitter at 2500 volts! Your dreams start manifesting at incredible rates!

Face the truth and set yourself free! Get some Rapid Eye release sessions, get out of negative situations, do not join in drama of any kind, STOP your own negative thoughts, keep conversations positive and grateful. Hang out with positive people, be in joyful places. Keep your power and use it to fuel what you DO WANT!

Your dreams, happiness and health depend on it!

~Lynell Beckstrom
Master Trainer,
The Rapid Eye Institute


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