Legal Terms for Unlicensed RET Technicians

(from the discontinued RET Forum)

Unless licensed to do so, RET Technicians do not independently work with medical or mental disease and do not “diagnose,” “treat,” or “prescribe.” RET Technicians may work with issues related to a medical or mental health disorder on referral from a properly licensed health care professional. RET technicians Coach, Teach, Educate, Guide, Instruct, and Train.

The following example language changes (term reframes) for RET Technicians and their clients is intended to support clients and avoid legal problems for unlicensed RET Technicians.

  • Rather than having disorders, a RET technician’s clients have challenges, problems, or issues.
  • Rather than having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a RET technician’s client seeks to feel at peace within.
  • Rather than having addictions or being chemically dependent, a RET technician’s clients seek to regain self-control.
  • Rather than having Eating Disorders, a RET technician’s clients seek weight management or to improve appearance.
  • Rather than being depressed or anxious, a RET technician’s clients seek to regain a positive mental attitude or to manage situational stress.
  • Rather than having insomnia or sleep disorders, a RET technician’s clients seek sleep improvement.
  • Rather than having phobias, a RET technician’s clients have apprehensions or fears and seek self-confidence.
  • Rather than seeking to change their mood, a RET technician’s clients seek to become more optimistic.
  • Rather than treating a disorder or problem, a RET technician holds sessions in which they help clients discharge hurtful emotional energy so they can more easily accept positive change into their lives.
  • Rather than curing a condition, a RET technician helps clients regain their spiritual light or regain their self-control.
  • Rather than diagnosing a condition, a RET technician evaluates and assesses their ret process to maximize its effectiveness for their clients.
  • Rather than counseling or giving advice, a RET technician coaches, teaches, guides, instructs, and trains clients so that they may view and place many aspects of their lives in a more useful perspective.
  • Rather than prescribe or advise, a RET technician helps clients release hurtful emotional energy and educates clients to help them become more successful and enhance personal skills and assets.
  • Rather than therapy, a RET technician offers clients a set of techniques and processes together with education, to assist clients in achieving their goals and living in peace.
  • A RET technician helps clients promote wellness in their lives.